Home Within Yourself Opens June 21st at the Boathouse Gallery

Join us for "Home Within Yourself," a Group Exhibition opening at the Boathouse Gallery Summer 2024. Artist and first-time curator Emilia Cruz explores ways to depict vulnerability, self-healing and empowerment in her own work, and for this exhibit, she calls on BIPOC femme artists and asks them to reflect on how, "when the world constantly demands resilience and strength from you, allow yourself to be still, look within, and find home."

Participating Artists:

Abby Aceves

Aliyah Sidqe

Brittney S. Price

Dalia Palacios

Denise Silva

Dez La Soul

Emiliana Henriquez

Féi Hernandez

Guadalupe Gutierrez

Ivonne Flores

Jade Bell

Jazmine Puentes

Jessica Cuautle

Josie Del Castillo

Kat De Guzman

Las Chicas Peligrosas

Lucy Luna

Maritza Torres

Morgan Nicolette

Shirley Alonso

Vannessa Morrow

Xelestiál Moreno-Luz

This exhibition is a part of "Art Shift: From Creation to Curation," Plaza de la Raza’s series for the Boathouse Gallery supported in part by the Eastside Arts Initiative. There will be a special artist reception on June 21, 5-9pm and the show runs thru July 19, 2024.

Julia Chavez