Invocando Autonomia/Invoking Autonomy at the Boathouse Gallery July 7-August 6

Plaza de la Raza is proud to present Invocando Autonomia/Invoking Autonomy an art exhibition centered on reproductive justice. The exhibit opens on July 7 and will run until August 6, 2023 at the center’s historic Boathouse Gallery.

Co-curated by Maritza Torres and Dove Ayinde, Invocando Autonomia/Invoking Autonomy includes works by BIPOC artists revealing their experiences with reproductive justice. The 18 artists featured in this exhibit come from diverse backgrounds and cultures, yet each of them has a powerful and unique message to share. Through various mediums, such as painting, sculpture, photography, zine-making and multimedia, the artists explore the impact of reproductive injustices on people’s lives and raise important questions about equality, agency and human rights.

Exhibition Opening – Friday, July 7, 6-9pm

WOC Healing Circle – Saturday, July 15, 11am-2pm

Exhibition Closing – Sunday, August 6, 6-8pm

Featuring Artwork by:

Abby Aceves


Amina Cruz

Chinwe Okona


Diane Williams

Dove Lovelie

Emilia Cruz


Las Chicas Peligrosas


Maritza Torres


Natalia Monsivais

Pat Payne

Ren Conde

Toria Maldono

Artists Statement: Invocando Autonomia/Invoking Autonomy honors the four directions and the indigenous guardians of this original land, the Tongva people. Sharing with the community works by 18 birthing bodied, BIPOC, artists, revealing their experiences with Reproductive Justice through art. 

Invoking Autonomy

With strength,


embodying the elements


we transform eternally,

creating a world where many worlds grow.

With words and wounds to tell our stories

A heart to see a better day,

and a mind to know a better path will be made

to live on our own terms.

I.A le hace honor a las 4 direcciones y a lxs guardianes originales de estas tierras, el pueblo Tongva. Se comparten obras creadas por 18 artistxs BIPOC que tras de su arte revelan sus experiencias con la justicia reproductiva.

Invocando Autonomia

Con Fuerza

Sin verguenza

Y infinitamente,

Somxs lxs elementxs 

Creamos mundos donde

quepan muchos mundos. 

La transformacion es eterna

Sin principio y sin fin. 

*Collaboratively written, translated and edited by Maritza Torres, AIRE, Dove Ayinde, Abby Aceves 

Boathouse Gallery hours of Operation:

Monday–Fridays, 10am-7pm

Saturdays, 10am -6pm

This exhibit is a FREE event open to the public.

Contact Plaza de la Raza (323)223-2475 for more information.

Julia Chavez